Play With Your Food! | A Chewy Treat Toy Review

For breakfast, Rufus gets a mix of Honest Kitchen dehydrated food and kibble. And for that reason, it would be impossible to put his meal in a treat toy…because it’s basically soup.


However, every single dinner of his is stuffed into one of his many treat toy options (click here, here, and here to see a few of our favorites). I think it’s important to make him work for his food on a regular basis and it slows him down as well. It’s a win-win.

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Most of Ru’s toys are  of the “roll around, knock ’em down” variety. These seem to work really well for him, but I decided to test his brain a little bit.


When Chewy offered to send us the Outward Hound Spinner Puzzle Toy, I was all about it! That being said, I was also kind of thinking it would take a few tries for him to get the idea…

[Click HERE to see Instagram video]


Turns out this dude was born to prove me wrong. The joke’s on him – I love to be proven wrong.

My favorite thing about this toy is that it’s something different. As our dogs get older, I think it’s just as important to keep their minds active and to introduce them to new obstacles on a regular basis. Doing this in the form of treat toys and games makes it way more fun for everyone involved.

Do you use treat toys? If so, what are some of your favorites?

Thanks to Chewy for offering some excellent products in exchange for my (our) honest review!


Falling in love: collars and accessories for your pooch

Fall is my absolute favorite season. The food, the fashion, the crisp air accompanied by endless mugs of lattes, hot chocolate, or coffee with cinnamon – it’s all perfectly lovely to me.

Oh, and pureed pumpkin? Add it to all of the things! This is something Rufus and I agree on wholeheartedly.

But I digress. Back to the topic of fashion and accessories, It’s about this time that I start scouring the internet for new pieces for myself as well as for my best furry friend. A man’s gotta look and feel dapper in the colder months too, am I right?

Here are some items on my wishlist that just scream “fall” to me:




1. Woodsy” yellow collar by Sirius Republic. Rufus already owns about 5 Sirius collars, so what’s one more? Also, plaid. Plaid always wins in my book.

2. “Pictures of You” pillow pack by Molly Mutt. We already have a duvet cover in this print and I love the idea of adding a pillow to make Ru’s bed more couch-like. Maybe if he felt like he had his own little sofa, he wouldn’t be so eager to drool and shed all over ours?? Hah. Wishful thinking.

3. “Red Buffalo” plaid leash by Found. I’ve wanted a rope leash for years, but just couldn’t justify the price. Now that they’ve added a plaid handle?? I don’t know how much longer I can resist.

4.“Rescued” dog collar at Olive Green Dog. Just because I love spreading the rescue dog love.

5. Natural canvas owl toy by Simply Fido. Made from natural canvas and dyes, these toys are super adorable to look at and claim to be highly durable. Rufus has loved his hedgehog passionately for over two years now and today, he decided it was time to call it off by ripping the stuffing out of the poor little guy. I think it’s time to get him a new bff.

6. “The Maxwell” collar by Puddle Jumper Pups. How cute is this collar? All decorated with top hats and mustaches – it doesn’t get much dapper than that. I’ve purchased items from this Etsy store before and the quality is perfection! Check ’em out if you have the chance.

7. Plaid dog jacket by Billy Wolf Smith. I know it doesn’t get very cold in my part of the country, but we are hoping to be traveling a lot in the upcoming months, so you never know! Also, Rufus in a coat is kind of my favorite thing ever.


Do you love fall as much as I do? Any items you have your eye on, either for yourself or your pup(s)? Share them in the comments below!

Friday(ish) Finds!

Once again, I’m a day late on this.  Sorry, folks – that’s apparently how I role these days.

I just have two products to share this week.  Both of these have been Rufus tested AND approved!  Click on the pictures for more info:

I recently picked up these new treats for Rufus, and he goes nuts for them!  They’re a raw and dehydrated product – I got the duck in case you were wondering.

Stella and Chewy’s Carnivore Crunch


Wooly Fun! Eco-friendly dog toys

Not the best picture, but I love this product.  All of their toys (they have balls, tugs, and other crazy shapes) are made of 100% wool and they’re super soft and surprisingly durable.  Rufus loves all things fuzzy, so this was a great match for him.  He enjoys a good game of fetch (or chase), and these keep him interested a bit longer.


Side note: I will be out of town for a few days with my little family on a fun-filled trip to Seattle, WA.  Alex and I are going as a belated anniversary trip, and Mr. Rufus will be accompanying us.  Hopefully I remember to take a ton of pictures to share with you guys.  Have a good beginning of the week!




Generally speaking, Rufus is a pretty low-key dude.  He enjoys a good romp and he’ll even accompany you on a 12-mile hike (maybe longer, though we have yet to test this).  However, he is not hyper or rambunctious by any means.

Because I have toyed with the idea of getting certified in some type of dog training, I started to work on his play drive.  Even at his most hyper, his play sessions do not last more than 10-12 minutes straight.  Even then, you really gotta keep him going.  It has been a lot of work, but really fun as well.

In an attempt to spark his interest a bit more, I decided to purchase this toy from Tillies Tuggies on Etsy:

I just love when they come looking like a birthday present!


The product in question.

This handmade device combines two of his favorite things in the world : tug and soft toys.  This is a really durable toy, and the quality is great.  It’s made of fleece, but it also has real rabbit fur finely woven into it (yet another purchase I have cringed while making as a vegetarian.  Just put that up there with raw marrow bones and bully sticks)  I thought that this detail would help get him amped as he has a fairly high prey drive.  He certainly enjoyed it.

The Ru-man in action.


The verdict?  Rufus definitely enjoys this toy, but he doesn’t necessarily get MORE excited when I bring it out.  However, I have noticed that when he is chewing on it, he definitely focuses on the rabbit fur.  I’m hoping to train with this a little more and give you guys an update.  As for right now, he’s just having fun with yet another new toy.

Play bowing with his new friend.


Longing for Some Madness.

In case you were wondering, my birthday was over the weekend.  No big deal really, I’m not into a whole lot of “me” attention.  That’s not supposed to sound overly modest, it’s just the truth.

However, it’s always nice to know that someone is thinking of you.  In my case, this usually means thinking of my dog AND me instantaneously.  You know, because we’re basically attached at the hip.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I walked out to the mailbox yesterday morning and found this package from one of my favorite people/co-workers ever:

Chock full of love!

Even though it was my birthday, Rufus cannot go ignored…not even for a day.  No one knows this better than Jackie.  

Two thoughtful portraits of Sir Rufus, some yummy treats, and a new toy!

Not pictured: a very heartwarming card signed by all of my previous co-workers.

Even though I’m not homesick (yet), I do think about the people I miss often.  It can be very jarring to move across the country, but I’ve found it even harder to realize my daily schedule is just….gone.  Almost every single weekend, I could count on trips to the park and forest preserves with my friend and her dogs.  I worked almost full-time, and I saw the same people daily.  It was a cozy existence.  Of course, the scenery is breathtaking out here, so I’m not complaining – hikes are more fun and the air is not so humid.  But I can’t deny that I miss the companionship.

Muddy buddies!

I even received some pictures of two of my favorite ladies back in the Chicago ‘burbs via text:

Studios Alice – my little spitfire.


Sincere Taffy – full of smarts with the biggest heart.

It may sound totally bizarre, but I miss the chaos of working with dogs on a daily basis.  The bickering, the wrestling, the hyperactivity, and even one basset hound’s incessant barking….ok, I’m totally lying about that last one.  I don’t miss that lowrider’s vocal abilities at all.

Don’t let his sad hound face fool you.



Travel 101: Prepping Your Pooch

As long as I’m in control, we’re all in good hands.

I just want to preface this mini-series with a disclaimer: 

First of all, this is obviously based on my experience with my dog.  For those of you that don’t know much about Rufus, he is usually a super chill and mellow dude.  While he does have his behavioral issues, he’s usually a pretty happy camper as long as he’s with his people and is allowed to get a good romp/sniff session in a few times a day.  However, almost all 10 of my previous fosters were more on the nervous side, so hopefully these tips will help those anxious dogs out there enjoy the road a little more as well…

Moving on.  I wanted to start off by explaining a few pre-road trip exercises you can do with your pet if you know you have the time before a big excursion.

1) So….let’s make sure your dog is ok (or at least tolerable) in the car.  I know this seems like common sense, but many people don’t have the opportunity to take their dogs on tons car rides.  Some dogs may get car sick, some may get nervous, and many may just be total WEIRDOS when you put them in a moving contraption.

Are we there yet?

Rufus falls in the “weirdo” category, but only for the first 15-20 minutes he’s in the car.  He associates the car with super awesome things: trips to the park, mom’s bringing him to work!!, visits with his favorite doggy friends, etc.  Therefore, he squeals and hyperventilates and throws in a few other non Rufus-like mannerisms.  However, I know this madness will pass, because I have taken him on longer trips and he always settles down nicely.  I would suggest taking your dog on every little trip you can: to the bank, to the park, or just drive around for awhile.  Every time you can expose them to your car, you are starting to desensitize them a little bit more to the whole experience. (sidenote: start putting his bed, a special toy, or anything else you are going to use for the big trip in the car for these random car rides as well so he becomes acclimated with this cozy new space in its entirety). 

*Of course if your dog is the type that gets carsick, you may want to talk to your vet about some preventative medications.

2) Start conditioning your dog to associate certain items with comfort and normalcy.

We’ve been driving all day. Where’s my dinner, lady?

This step is especially important when prepping anxious dogs or dogs that rely heavily on a routine/schedule.  Here are just a few suggestions that can help your dog learn to relax in the car before you even leave the house:

If your dog doesn’t already have a special bed or blanket they use regularly, try to integrate one into his life before the trip.  If they do, great!  Reinforce the crap out of this special place.  You may want to feed him treats on the blanket while he’s relaxed, give him his nightly kong once he’s settled down onto his bed for the night, or trying giving him a relaxing massage while praising him the whole time for being calm and mellow.  This simple exercise will teach him that his bed/blanket is a special place, and once you place it in your vehicle, it could help him stay more relaxed and comforted while in this possibly stressful situation.  If you are planning on using a crate in addition to the bed/blanket, you can do all of this while he’s relaxing in the crate as well.

The most helpful exercise I used with Rufus before we left was to break up his routine.  Dogs are creatures of habit (much like us humans), and disrupting their everyday routine can put them on edge and cause them to stress out.  To help Rufus with this, I started changing out his breakfast/dinner dish and feeding him his meals in a travel bowl.  This may not be an issue for you if you’re planning a day trip, but we were often driving for hours and I didn’t want Rufus to miss a meal.  Because of this, travel bowls were a big help.  He can be weird about new devices (he still won’t go anywhere near a Kong Wobbler), so I made sure he got used to the bowl before we left.  And he did.  Problem solved. If your dog doesn’t take to the new dishes right away, try putting something extra special in there: wet food, peanut butter, etc. to coax them a little more.

I also started to feed him meals in different rooms, on the porch, and outside.  I knew he would need to be comfortable eating in various places, so I thought it would help if he got used to the change of scenery asap.  Working at a boarding facility, I often saw how freaked out dogs were by eating in our feeding area simply because it wasn’t “home”, so I tried to avoid this with Ru.  Again, this worked out really well.  Rufus happily gobbled up his dinner in a gas station parking lot (pictured above), random hotel rooms, and even in a moving car.  Way to go, buddy!

Whew…this is getting a little long-winded, so I’ll just sum up this first post with a list of the gear we used.  If you would like me to elaborate on any of it, feel free to leave a comment and I will do so!  However, I figure most of the people that read this are pretty dog-savvy, so I’ll keep it basic for now:

3) Dog gear is your friend. How much do we love gear?  I know I’m crazy about it, and spend just about all of my expendable income on Rufus and his wardrobe/fancy eating habits (and my own as well…).  I know, it’s a problem.  All of this gear also helps to keep your dog safe and comfortable, so make sure you know what you need to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

pictured: hammock seat cover, tethered leash, durable bed, squeaky toy, adorably sleepy dog.

-Travel dishes.  I used the ones here and here.

-A durable collar.  I got this one (the green REI brand, but in brown) free at REI with the purchase of his backpack, and it’s a nice and strong collar for this purpose.

-A very versatile leash.  I bought this one a few months ago, and love it!  It was so easy to tether him to a tree while we ate outside, somewhere in the car when the windows were down (no a.c. for us! we’re hardcore), etc.  Not to mention I could clip his travel bowl, our keys and poop bags on the random hooks for longer hikes/walks.

-Extra security!  When we would stop at rests stops or to walk him for bathroom breaks, I would hook him up to his leash as well as his easy walk harness and use a carabiner for double reinforcement on one or both of the latches.  The last thing you want to do is risk losing your pup out in the middle of nowhere!

-A durable and comfortable bed.  We love Molly Mutt, and used the square version of this print.  The duvet is high quality, and comes off easily so you can throw it in the wash with no hassle.

-Seat covers.  Getting in and out of the car and going on random excursions, the guy was bound to get filthy.  We’ve been using this one, and we even scored it while it was on sale.

-Long-lasting treats to keep him occupied: frozen peanut butter kongs (bring a cooler or throw it in the freezer the night before in the hotel if possible), dental chews (love these!), bully sticks, etc.  Puzzle toys and various toys they love would also work.

-Poop bags.  Self-explanatory.

Next up: Staying in strange, new places and how to help acclimate your dog to glamorous hotel life.